More and more people are considering trading in their second car for a(n electric) bike. Daily errands, like buying groceries and bringing the kids to school, can of course also be done by bike. Meanwhile, you're doing your small part for the environment, contributing to a greener world. These days we're naturally all trying to be a bit more conscientious.
There are many different types of bikes. Think of bikes for moms, cargo bikes, or longtail bikes. ...Wait, what kind of bikes? Longtail bikes. It's a growing trend in the US, increasingly visible, but not yet mainstream. A longtail bike is a (cargo) bike with the carrying capability of a cargo bike but the riding comfort of a normal bike. They usually look like a normal bike, but with a longer, sturdier luggage carrier. So, these bikes offer extra room in the back with more carrying capacity for extra weight.
Mount a child seat, and you can take your kid with you on your longtail bike. It's very important that your child is well balanced, of course. Once your child can go from crawling to sitting up, they're old enough to ride along on the bike. Many children start sitting up around 8 or 9 months. Want to bike with your child before that? Consider the Babboe Slim Mountain then.
The Babboe Slim Mountain: The longtail cargo bike
The Babboe Slim Mountain is the king of longtail cargo bikes. Thanks to its slim frame, this bike is ideal for long distances and narrow streets. Unlike a traditional cargo bike, children don't sit next to each other, but behind each other. Just like the longtail bikes described above. The biggest advantage of the Babboe Slim Mountain is that it lets you always keep an eye on your kids. With a longtail bike, your children sit behind you, making it difficult to chat or check on your kids.
The Babboe Slim Mountain's balance and smooth handling makes it feel like you're riding a regular bike. Unlike a longtail bike, the Babboe Slim Mountain lets you take your baby with you, too. Just mount a Maxi-Cosi carrier on your bike, and biking with your baby becomes safe and easy. You can start as soon as your baby's 3 months old. Instead of the Maxi-Cosi carrier, you can also opt for two bike seats or cushions to carry two older kids.
Although both bikes are almost identical, the Babboe Slim Mountain also has the advantage of a lower step to get on. For both you and your kids. Most longtail bike models have a much higher step to climb. Your kids, or your groceries, sit on the baggage carrier high off the ground. This can lead to less steering control, in addition to making mounting and unmounting more difficult.
Want to experience for yourself what it's like to step onto and off of a Babboe Slim Mountain? Can't wait to bike with your kids on a bike that handles like a dream? Then you might be interested in a test drive. Come by to try it for yourself!